Updates on the activity and Cotopaxi Volcano News for travelers – Ecuador

9 years ago

Cotopaxi Volcano News for travelers Cotopaxi Volcano News: Just some updates on the latest events happening now with Cotopaxi volcano,…

Galapagos volcano eruption; Wolf Volcano on Isabela Island

9 years ago

Isabela Island: galapagos volcano eruption Galapagos volcano eruption. For everyone following the news on the eruption of Volcan Wolf here on…

Galapagos Tortoises, some Useful Information.

10 years ago

Galapagos Tortoises – (Geochelone nigrita) Yep, it’s true, the world’s largest tortoise title belongs to the Galapagos Tortoise. They can weigh…

The History of Humans Exploring the Galapagos Islands

10 years ago

The History of Humans Exploring the Galapagos Islands. Located about 600 miles from the coastline of Ecuador, situated on the…