Genovesa Island Galapagos Islands

Genovesa Island Galapagos: Discover ‘The Bird Island’ with Unique Wildlife and Snorkeling Spots

Genovesa Island Galapagos: The name Genovesa is derived from Genoa, the city where Columbus was born. Consequently, the island’s formation resulted from the remaining edge of a submerged crater. Known as ‘The Bird Island,’ Genovesa Island truly lives up to this name. Although no eruptions have been registered, its volcano still displays young lava flows on its flanks. Furthermore, a dinghy ride along the walls of the crater reveals the variety of animals that find shelter in the ledges and crevices of the lava. Additionally, this island offers an excellent snorkeling spot.

  • Area: 14 km2
  • Altitude: 250 ft
  • English name: Tower
  • Visitors sites: Darwin Bay Beach, Prince Philip´s steps.

Wildlife to see

Its palo santo forest is filled with frigate birds and their bustling activity. In addition, you can observe pairs of swallow-tailed gulls, which are the only nocturnal gulls in the world, as well as red-footed boobies with their contrasting red feet and blue bills. Moreover, lava gulls, yellow-crowned and lava herons, whimbrels, and other birds can be seen feeding near the shore. Alongside these, Darwin finches, masked boobies, and nesting red-billed tropicbirds are also present. If you are fortunate, you might even catch a glimpse of the short-eared owl hunting down the less experienced petrels.