Baltra Airport Galapagos Islands

Galapagos Baltra Island Airport

On this island we will be greeted by our naturalist guide Galapagos National Park, who will welcome us and the appropriate indications for the start of tour or cruise on the islands.

Baltra Island brief description:

Baltra Island

Area: 27 Km2
Altitude: 328 ft

Baltra island is the first contact with the Galapagos on this small and relatively barren island the majority of plants are cactus, Palo Santo trees and annuals such as grasses and small vines. You will see animals like marine turtles, land Iguanas, marine iguanas, finches etc. During the Second World War II Baltra was occupied by the US Army, which built the first landing strip for jet aircraft in the Galapagos Islands.