Categories: Galapagos Information

Galapagos volcano eruption; Wolf Volcano on Isabela Island

Isabela Island: galapagos volcano eruption

Galapagos volcano eruption. For everyone following the news on the eruption of Volcan Wolf here on Isabela Island. This is what a Pink Iguana looks like. They are on the endangered species list. News revealed today that the lava is not on a path of distruction towards these amazing animals.

The overflight conducted yesterday afternoon in the naval plane with the participation of representatives of the Galapagos National Park (GNP), the Ministry of Environment, National Secretary for Risk Management, Governing Council Special Regime Galapagos and Regional Management Guard Aquatic and Insular Areas; allowed the environmental authority to determine that there are no lava flows near the sea, so it is concluded that the activity has been significantly reduced.

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The evaluation confirmed that the erruption occured on the south-eastern flank of volcano Wolf. More than 6 kilometers from the habitat of pink iguanas (Conolophus marthae), yellow Galapagos land iguana and the giant tortoise population of the species Chelonoidis becky. So that technicians assume that there will be greater involvement of the Galapagos fauna.
Reports from the guides that are near the area have also reported a significant reduction in volcanic activity, compared to the first day.
However, the Galapagos National Park does not rule out the possibility of other lava flows into the boiler, or through underground tunnels. A large amount of ash and steam is seen around the volcano to the west, so that monitoring is maintained.

Wolf volcano, is the highest of the archipelago, with 1707 meters above sea level more. It is one of the five active volcanoes on Isabela Island, next to Sierra Negra, Cerro Azul, Alcedo and Darwin. Isabela and Fernandina Island, are considered the younger emerged from the seabed between 60 and 300 thousand years ago; San Cristobal and Espanola, are much older, possibly between 2.8 and 5.6 million years.


By Caroline Marmion

Nature Galapagos & Ecuador

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