Ecuador Snorkeling Sites – Why you cannot miss exploring Ecuador marine life Snorkeling is one of the most accessible water sports when traveling anywhere in the world. The equipment is cheap, certainly cheaper that diving, and anybody with decent swimming skills can do it.  Any snorkeling aficionado can tell you

What you need to know about the Galapagos Sierra Negra Volcano The Galapagos Sierra Negra Volcano stands impressively over the picturesque Isabella Island, with a height of around 4,500 feet. Admirers from all over the world are attracted to the Sierra Negra volcano to peer into the humongous crater, which

Isabela Island  – Galapagos Islands Isabela Island is the largest island of the Galapagos Archipelago. The measure extension is 4640 km2. A small village located in this island is located Puerto Villamil, with a population of 2200, they traditionally earned a living through fishing. The streets keep the sand of the

Ecuador train crucero Train Ecuador crossing Chimborazo Ecuador Train Crucero won the Wider World Project or better tourism product outside Europe, this award was given by the British Guild of Travel Writers. The Ecuador train was started by president Gabriel Garcia Moreno in 1873 and was restored by president Rafael