Top Galapagos Hotels: Your Guide to the Best Island Accommodations

Our Galapagos Hotels section showcases a carefully curated selection of the finest accommodations in the islands. Whether you’re seeking a place to stay on Santa Cruz (Puerto Ayora), San Cristóbal (Puerto Baquerizo Moreno), Isabela (Puerto Villamil), or Floreana Island, you’ve come to the right place. Our are categorized into Luxury Class, First Class, Superior Tourist Class, and Tourist Class. For pricing and availability, inquire here.


As the owners of San Vicente and La Laguna Hotels, both in Puerto Villamil, Isabela Island. As direct tour operators in the Galapagos, we can help you combine your stay with a day trip, a Classic Land-Based Tour, or a Galapagos Cruise that best suits your schedule.

NOTE: Nature Galapagos & Ecuador reserves the right to modify accommodation availability without prior notice due to weather, National Park regulations, maintenance needs, or unforeseen circumstances.