Some living standards that you’ll have to keep in mind to preserve the environment if you plan to visit the most surprising natural reserve in the world.
Imagine thousands of people visiting your home everyday. How would you want them to behave? Well, that’s what you have to think about when you put your feet on the Galapagos Islands.
Avoid everything that can cause potential harm
Galapagos Ecosystem
Galápagos is a place where everybody should stay at least once in a lifetime. Not only is its wildlife remarkable, but also the natural air you breathe as you walk along the sand on the beach is unbelievable.
As a home to many animal species, you must take into account that these lands are theirs, and therefore you are just a visitor for a few days. Indeed, they will remain there even when you take your flight back to the city.
Therefore, be respectful of the Galápagos ecosystem and try to keep the environment in its natural state as much as you can. To facilitate this, avoid everything that can cause potential harm and keep the following tips in mind.

Animals – Galapagos Ecosystem
On your way to the beach, you may encounter some iguanas or walk beside sea lions at the Santa Cruz harbor. However, as friendly as they may seem, do not try to pet them. Additionally, you might be surprised by a sea turtle while practicing some snorkeling. In such cases, keep your distance and enjoy the beauty of a show that you can only witness in a few places around the world.
Be respectful and try to keep the environment in its natural state as much as you can.
Although the animals on the islands are used to people surrounding them, they still get scared if you try to play with them. Therefore, it’s really important that you keep, at least, two meters away in order to allow them to preserve their space. Furthermore, this rule is also for your own safety, since they remain wild animals even if they are in the middle of the town. You might get bitten by a sea lion or hit by an iguana’s tail if you intrude on their space and disturb them.

Also, remember that you must not feed animals. If you are tempted to give a piece of your sandwich to the iguana next to you, don’t share your meal. Additionally, some bird species are so accustomed to being around people that they even wait for you to feed them. Despite the fact that it may seem to be a very nice scene and Snow White’s style, don’t do it.
Photograph them and enjoy watching them in their wildest state. That won’t be erased from your mind when you get back home.
Natural environment
If you feel tempted to let your mark on the islands, refrain from it in any way. Keep yourself from writing your name on the rocks or on a tree. If you do so, you’ll harm in few minutes what took mother Nature many years of hard work.

If you want to take a souvenir home, it is better if you visit the gift shops around town instead of taking rocks, stones of cold lava, a jar of sand, some coral, or a little plant. Moreover, don’t even think about taking an egg or a baby animal in your pants pocket. Not only is it not allowed at airports and will be taken away from your luggage, but it is also considered disrespectful to the island itself. Therefore, please always respect the Galapagos Ecosystem.
Don’t lose sight of the fact that you have to preserve the Galapagos environment in the same state as it came up to you.
The Islands’ governments are trying hard to deal with the garbage caused by the population and travelers. Consequently, they established a system to recycle as much as they can. For instance, in Santa Cruz, more than fifty percent of the litter is being recycled. To achieve this, the residents have to discriminate rubbish into organic and inorganic categories, so it can receive the suitable treatment in order to preserve the Galapagos Ecosystem.

If you have already eaten your biscuits and want to throw the pack away, then keep it with you until you see a dustbin. Additionally, don’t put your rubbish in places that you’re not sure are made for waste or throw it on the floor. Absolutely not! In case you need to keep some litter with you, therefore, bring some plastic bags and keep them in your bag as you go on tour. After all, you never know when you’ll need them.
If you like fishing, you may have thought this would be your true paradise. Well, that won’t happen the way you imagined.
Fishing is a regulated activity and therefore can’t be practiced anywhere you want; instead, there are only several places authorized. Moreover, the type of seafood available for you to catch also depends on the season of the year when you visit the islands.

So keep that in mind if you want to have lobster for dinner. It might not be the right time to take trip of your dreams.
Plastic became the most environmentally unfriendly material and the major enemy for animals and natural resources conservation. Not only in the Galapagos Islands, but also around the world.
You’ll find neither plastic straws nor plastic plates or cutlery for your food.
Few lines above we talked about having plastic bags by hand. You will need to bring those within your luggage because the use of plastic bags was banned from the territory for being one of the main causes of harm to wildlife.

There still some shops that offer a bag for your purchase, but try not to accept it and keep a backpack always with you to carry your acquisitions.
In response to the same regulation. You’ll find neither plastic straws nor plastic plates or cutlery for your food it helps to protect the Galapagos environment.
Here, animals are the most important walkers and are given priority when crossing the street. Therefore, if you’re in a cab and it suddenly stops, don’t be surprised. You might see an iguana mom trying to get to the opposite sidewalk with her baby on her back.

There are even some signs that advice you that their life is as important as yours, and even more valuable. It doesn’t matter if you’re on a hurry or on a peaceful sightseeing stroll, pedestrian’s priority it’s on their side. Once they are off the street, then you can continue your way by car or bike.
Do everything at your fingertips to preserve this magnificent place and let the wild life be. We have to take care of Nature altogether, because it’s not only animals’ home, but also ours.
Be ready for your next Galapagos Tour and help us to protect the Galapagos Ecosystem Islands.