You might have enjoyed the mesmerizing beauty of the Alps or the Himalayas, or visited the vast deserts, across the world but if you are craving for a vacation that combines both, beautiful landcapes and close encounters with wildlife, exploring the Galapagos Islands is the best thing that you can

Galapagos Different attractions on different months.  So, when is actually the best time to visit Galapagos Islands. This is probably one of the most common inquiries travelers make before visiting the Galapagos Islands via land tours. I know it often happens that it is best to visit certain locations in the world during certain seasons.

Galapagos Islands, Ecuador are an extensive group of volcanic islands situated on either side of Ecuador in the Pacific Ocean, 926 km west of the Ecuadorian coast. This archipelago is located at the co-ordinates 1°40’N–1°36’S, 89°16’–92°01’W, and consists mainly of 18 main islands and 3 smaller islands. Listed as one of

Galapagos Famous Animals Located at the convergence of three ocean currents, the Galapagos Islands are home to numerous marine species. The archipelago also experiences constant volcanic and seismic activities, and therefore, happens to be one of the most visited travel destinations amongst the adventurous travelers. The islands of Galapagos and